31 March 2010

RDH e-vent

follow the links

During the show you can

• Earn up to 9 FREE CE Credits

• Learn about new products

• Request free samples

• Network with other dental hygienists

• Win free prizes

• Participate in our Trivia Game to win a free RDH Bling Mug

• Interact with exhibitors

Conference details
Hygiene Shouldn't be a Pain in the Neck...or Shoulder: Strategies to Prevent Pain & Extend Your Career - 1 CE Credit each program
Presented by: Bethany Valachi, PT, MS, CEAS
A staggering 80% of hygienists who retire early are forced to, due to work-related pain. This ground-breaking seminar for dental hygienists fills a void in the dental education—bridging the gap between dental ergonomics and work-related pain. Discover how the delivery of dental hygiene and equipment selection are affecting your neck and shoulder health. Implement effective self-treatment and prevention strategies based on research. Hygienists will discover techniques they can apply immediately in the operatory to reduce work-related pain, prevent injury and increase career longevity. A must for those purchasing loupes!

Form Follows Function: Busting the Myth of Insert Selection - 1 CE Credit
Presented by: ReneƩ C. Graham, RDH, MEd
This course is based on current scientific literature and evidence-based strategies to provide clinicians some practical guidelines regarding the selection of proper tips for thorough debridement and biofilm removal.

Additional courses will be announced over the next few weeks - stay tuned!


26 March 2010

C.E. Festival at the DENTAL SALON

The Russian DTSC Launch - C.E. Festival at the DENTAL SALON, Moscow

Course starts: Monday, April 26, 2010 09:00 AM (EST)

The official Russian DTSC will be launched at the DENTAL SALON in Moscow through four days of focused lectures in various areas of dentistry. Each day will feature a variety of presentations on topics, which will be led by experts in that field. Participants will earn ADA CERP CE credits for each lecture they attend.

Focused C.E. Lecture Series

6 hours per day for 4 days!

FREE for all DENTAL SALON visitors

22 March 2010

Zero Tolerance for the Bloody Prophy

Course: Dental Professional Courses

Module: Zero Tolerance for the Bloody Prophy ; What To Do About It - Complete Course with Assessment Test

Module Description:

Audience: Dental professionals and students

Prerequisites: None

All dental hygienists and dentists involved in providing prophylaxis have experienced, “the bloody prophy”. In fact, across the country today bloody prophys are being provided, and patients sent out the door with an appointment to provide this same service again in 6 more months! Given compelling research that reveals a strong mouth-body connection to overall health, clinicians should develop a zero tolerance for providing ongoing bloody prophys. This course examines the reality surrounding making a conversion from prophylaxis to therapeutic care for existing patients along with the scientific, clinical and business rationale for doing so.

Participants will learn:
• How to distinguish between preventive and therapeutic treatment

• How the incidence of periodontal diseases should impact clinical services

• How biofilm infections becomes a ‘game changer’ for the patient’s care

• What to say to bloody prophy patients, scheduled for routine cleanings and how to treat their disease

• Why team continuity is vital to successful shifts in current procedures

• How healthier patients can lead to healthier profits

Philips Oral Healthcare is designated as an Approved PACE Program Provider by the Academy of General Dentistry. The formal continuing education programs of this program provider are accepted by AGD for Fellowship, Mastership and membership maintenance credit. Approval does not imply acceptance by a state or provincial board of dentistry. The current term of approval extends from 1/1/2007 to 12/31/2010.


Author: Karen Davis , RDH, BSDH, RDHMP
Karen Davis has invested herself in discovering what it takes to practice “on the cutting edge” of the profession and now inspires audiences internationally to do the same. She is founder of Cutting Edge Concepts®; a consultant with The JP Institute of San Diego, California; and practices dental hygiene part-time in the practice of Dr. Tom McDougal of Dallas, Texas. Her passion was evident even with her first employer as he simply reminded her, “Karen you can’t save the entire world from periodontal disease!”

She graduated from Midwestern State University with a Bachelor of Science in Dental Hygiene, has served on numerous advisory boards and written many articles related to practicing comprehensively.

Sponsor and/or Accreditation: Academy of General Dentistry

Credits: 1.00
Price: $0.00

20 March 2010

Glass Ionomers: A Therapeutic Alternative to Direct Composite Restorations

Glass Ionomers: A Therapeutic Alternative to Direct Composite Restorations

Upcoming Live CE Webcast:

Tuesday, March 23rd, 2010

Webcast summary:
Although excellent results can be achieved with composite restorations, they do have limitations creating the need for a restorative material suitable for use in less than ideal conditions. Xerostomia, for example, can significantly increase root caries.

Glass Ionomer restoratives release fluoride helping to reduce recurrent decay. In addition to simplified ease of use, glass ionomer materials can reduce post-operative sensitivity and enjoy a stable long-term bond to dentin. Watch this webcast and learn how this bioactive material can be an excellent therapeutic alternative to composite resin materials.

Presenter: Dr. Daniel Ward

CE Credits: 1 Interactive CEU

Webcast Begins: 3/23/10 7:00 PM ET, 4:00 PM PT

3/23/10 11:00 PM UTC

Reserve your seat now. http://www.gcatraining.com/ (No charge for this webcast; 200 registrants capacity)

Your seat will be paid for by GC America, a proud supporter of CE for the dental professional.

19 March 2010

Prevent Abuse and Neglect Through Dental Awareness

Mid-Atlantic PANDA Sessions I & II

Prof. Sheryl Syme

Course Description: Prevent Abuse and Neglect Through Dental Awareness is a continuing education course designed to educate dentists, dental hygienists, dental assistants and others about the problems of child abuse and neglect, domestic violence, elder abuse and neglect, and human trafficking.

This course aims to teach dental and other health care professionals to recognize the indicators of abuse and neglect and inform them of their legal and ethical responsibilities in reporting and referring victims. Abuse and neglect are an ever-increasing problem in today’s society. Dental professionals are frequently the first health care professional to render treatment to a maltreated individual, yet make few reports. The more education you receive, the more likely you are to recognize and report. Early recognition with timely reporting and referrals to appropriate agencies can help prevent more significant health consequences and even death in maltreated individuals.

This course (session one and session two) satisfies the 2 hour continuing education requirement on abuse and neglect as mandated by COMAR: Subtitle 44 BOARD OF DENTAL EXAMINERS 10.44.22 Continuing Education Authority: Health Occupations Article, §4-205,Annotated Code of Maryland.

16 March 2010

III: You are the Expert: Using C.S.I. For Exceptional Patient Care - Perio Screening

Module: You are the Expert: Using C.S.I. (Clinical Screening Investigations) For Exceptional Patient Care Part III - Complete Course with Test

You are the Expert: PART III

Using C.S.I. (Clinical Screening Investigations) For Exceptional Patient Care

Part III of You are the Expert singles out the periodontal screening. While a comprehensive periodontal charting should be completed once per year, how often and in what way should our patients be screened for periodontal disease and its complications? This program outlines a step by step protocol for a brief periodontal assessment including tissue response and the verbal skills to effectively communicate the importance of this screening and the significance of the results.

Each of these programs stand alone based on their content. The participants of all three courses will notice how the data builds from one screening to the next providing the clinician with a ‘big picture’ in only a few short minutes. Experience the benefits of adding this new dimension to your clinical standards by including these five Clinical Screening Investigations for your patients. Those benefits include: fewer cancellations, increased referrals, greater patient value and increased case acceptance, just to name a few.

Course Objectives:

* Equip the clinician with a consistent reproducible screening protocol for periodontal disease activity.
*Utilize the intra oral camera with good time management at each visit to demonstrate disease activity.
*Learn verbal skills to begin to transition patients from continuing care to the appropriate periodontal treatment

Philips Oral Healthcare is designated as an Approved PACE Program Provider by the Academy of General Dentistry. The formal continuing education programs of this program provider are accepted by AGD for Fellowship, Mastership and membership maintenance credit. Approval does not imply acceptance by a state or provincial board of dentistry. The current term of approval extends from 1/1/2007 to 12/31/2010.
Author: Kim Miller
Kim Miller received her BSDH from Loma Linda University in 1981. She is a trainer & featured instructor with the JP Institute. Kim is also a published author, enthusiastic speaker and educator. Kim is passionate about Dentistry and those in her audience walk away with information that is applicable on the very next business day.

Sponsor and/or Accreditation: Academy of General Dentistry

Credits: 1.00
Price: $0.00

13 March 2010

II: You are the Expert: Using C.S.I. For Exceptional Patient Care-Restorative Aesthetic Treatment Considerations

Module: You are the Expert: Using C.S.I. (Clinical Screening Investigations) For Exceptional Patient Care Part II - Complete Course with Test

Audience: Dental professionals and students

Prerequisites: None

Part II of You are the Expert features techniques and verbal skills specifically designed to address patient concerns with restorative aesthetic treatment considerations. While applicable to all team members, those sitting chairside will learn to comfortably discuss treatment options, handle insurance questions and build value for comprehensive care. These verbal skills are essential to all of today’s Dental Professionals.

Each of these programs stand alone based on their content. The participants of all three courses will notice how the data builds from one screening to the next providing the clinician with a ‘big picture’ in only a few short minutes. Experience the benefits of adding this new dimension to your clinical standards by including these five Clinical Screening Investigations for your patients. Those benefits include: fewer cancellations, increased referrals, greater patient value and increased case acceptance, just to name a few.

Course Objectives:
* Equip the clinician with a consistent reproducible screening protocol for restorative and aesthetic needs.
* Utilize the intra oral camera with good time management at each visit to reinforce or initiate restorative / aesthetic conversations
* Learn verbal skills to assist with case presentation and comfortably handle patient objections to treatment

Philips Oral Healthcare is designated as an Approved PACE Program Provider by the Academy of General Dentistry. The formal continuing education programs of this program provider are accepted by AGD for Fellowship, Mastership and membership maintenance credit. Approval does not imply acceptance by a state or provincial board of dentistry. The current term of approval extends from 1/1/2007 to 12/31/2010.


Author: Kim Miller
Kim Miller received her BSDH from Loma Linda University in 1981. She is a trainer & featured instructor with the JP Institute. Kim is also a published author, enthusiastic speaker and educator. Kim is passionate about Dentistry and those in her audience walk away with information that is applicable on the very next business day.

Sponsor and/or Accreditation: Academy of General Dentistry
Credits: 1.00

10 March 2010

Awakening the Instinctive Leader in You!

Don't miss this special complimentary webinar!

Brought to you courtesy of 1-800-DENTIST(R)

Lioness Leadership:  Awakening the Instinctive Leader in You!

with Katherine Eitel

Creator of "The Lioness Principle", Katherine Eitel is an international lecturer, author and experienced communications coach. As a nationally renowned speaker she is a recipient of the coveted "Spotlight-on-Speaking" award from the Speaking Consulting Network.

Join us for this hour-long interactive Webinar,

followed by personal Q & A with Katherine.

In this one-hour session, you and your staff will learn to:

Access the leader within you and inspire leadership in others

Identify and eliminate what's holding you and your practice back

Unite your team and stop the cycle of gossip, blame and complaints

Turn conflict into cooperation

Uncover the practical steps to create a practice you love

Thursday, Mar 11, 2010

11:00 a.m. PST

Space is limited,

so be sure to reserve your spot today!

(scroll down to Mar 11 and click on Awaken the Instinctive Leader...)

I: You Are The Expert: Using C.S.I. (Clinical Screening Investigations) For Exceptional Patient

Module: You Are The Expert: Using C.S.I. (Clinical Screening Investigations) For Exceptional Patient Care Part I - Complete Course with Test

Audience: Dental professionals and students

You are the Expert: PART I Using C.S.I. (Clinical Screening Investigations) For Exceptional Patient Care

Part I – Risk Assessment / Head & Neck Cancer Screening Course Description:

Do you find that patients often undervalue the services provided during a comprehensive exam or dental hygiene visit? Are you challenged with time management when trying to collect the essential data needed to prepare a comprehensive treatment plan? You are not alone, this course will provide you with step by step guidelines and protocols to expedite three of the five screening needed for every dental patient to ensure comprehensive care.

Valuable tips like: verbal skills, body language and handling patient objections will be featured.

Course Objectives:

* Equip the clinician with consistent reproducible screening protocols

* Understand the rationale behind each screening

* Increase the use of high impact language for improved case acceptance

* Exceed the patient’s expectations and increase the patient’s perceived value

Philips Oral Healthcare is designated as an Approved PACE Program Provider by the Academy of General Dentistry. The formal continuing education programs of this program provider are accepted by AGD for Fellowship, Mastership and membership maintenance credit. Approval does not imply acceptance by a state or provincial board of dentistry. The current term of approval extends from 1/1/2007 to 12/31/2010.


Author: Kim Miller
Kim Miller received her BSDH from Loma Linda University in 1981. She is a trainer & featured instructor with the JP Institute. Kim is also a published author, enthusiastic speaker and educator. Kim is passionate about Dentistry and those in her audience walk away with information that is applicable on the very next business day.

Sponsor and/or Accreditation: Academy of General Dentistry

Credits: 1.00

07 March 2010

Endodontic review

regretably this program is NO LONGER AVAILABLE : (  (if you are aware of an active link for this program please let us know)

This FREE on-line CE course is intended for the General Dentist who is interested in learning more about root canal therapy. Dental patients may also find the information interesting and helpful.

Following this presentation there will be an on-line test that you can complete. Successful completion is worth two credit hours of CERP continuing education certification. These credits are recognized in all 50 states. Documentation for the CE credit will be mailed to you.

04 March 2010

Understanding and Improving Provisional Restorations

Understanding and Improving Provisional Restorations

Presenter: Dr. Gregori Kurtzman, D.D.S.
CE Credits: 1
Release Date: 12/17/2009

Often the provisional restorations we provide are only thought of as “temporary” restorations. But provisional restorations must fulfill three criteria: Biological, Mechanical & Esthetic, to achieve the goals they are intended to fulfill. A review of these criteria and how to meet them will provide an understanding on how to provide better provisionals that will mimic the final restorations. The provisional restorations can also be utilized to guide the esthetics of the final restorations, working out the length and position of the teeth to act as a blueprint for the laboratory. Simple techniques will be discussed for fabrication of provisionals for single units, bridges and temporization of veneers. Sign-up now to learn how you can improve your provisional restorations and earn free CE credit.

You will need to register on the site but it will then log your credit, print (reprint) your certificates at any time, and you can opt to get notices of new FREE courses offered  by Pentron Clinical.

02 March 2010

The Master Impression

The Master Impression: The Elusive Pursuit of Perfection!

Presenter: Dr. Bob Lowe
CE Credits: 1
Webinar (Release Date: 7/2/2009)

Impression making..what constitutes a “perfect” dental master impression? Dental laboratories report that 70 % of the impressions they receive are “less than ideal.” Management of the soft tissue is the key that unlocks the perfect impression. Techniques including mechanical retraction (Cord), Chemo-mechanical retraction (using retraction/deflection materials, such as Expasyl), and Laser retraction (troughing) will be discussed. Techniques to make the master impression, including the use of injectable light bodied, and rigid tray materials will be demonstrated and discussed. Finally, a discussion of impression materials themselves, including Poly Vinyl Siloxanes, PolyEthers, and the newer Vinyl PolyEther Silicones, impressions trays, and the importance of the opposing model in the overall delivery process will conclude this” information packed” presentation.

You will need to register on the site to take the program and complete the post-test to receive CE credit.